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International Call Rates

Call Rates for Fastrack Technology's MTV services

  Band Destination Name   Per/Min  
  186 Afghanistan   $0.3395  
  900 Afghanistan Mobile   $0.3005  
  187 Albania   $0.1678  
  901 Albania Mobile   $0.4325  
  188 Algeria   $0.0783  
  902 Algeria Mobile   $0.5117  
  371 American Samoa   $0.0442  
  903 American Samoa Mobile   $0.0442  
  189 Andorra   $0.0253  
  904 Andorra Mobile   $0.2317  
  190 Angola   $0.1087  
  905 Angola Mobile   $0.1042  
  191 Anguilla   $0.3767  
  192 Antarctica   $2.3980  
  193 Antigua and Barbuda   $0.1888  
  906 Antigua and Barbuda Mobile   $0.3295  
  194 Argentina   $0.0303  
  5000 Argentina City   $0.0303  
  429 Argentina Mobile   $0.1320  
  195 Armenia   $0.1370  
  907 Armenia Mobile   $0.2177  
  196 Aruba   $0.1228  
  908 Aruba Mobile   $0.2847  
  197 Ascension   $1.9732  
  198 Austria   $0.0090  
  5001 Austria City   $0.0090  
  430 Austria Mobile   $0.3917  
  199 Azerbaijan   $0.3206  
  909 Azerbaijan Mobile   $0.4477  
  200 Bahamas   $0.1060  
  910 Bahamas Mobile   $0.1657  
  201 Bahrain   $0.0545  
  911 Bahrain Mobile   $0.0965  
  202 Bangladesh   $0.0488  
  5002 Bangladesh City   $0.0488  
  463 Bangladesh Mobile   $0.0325  
  203 Barbados   $0.1622  
  912 Barbados Mobile   $0.2758  
  204 Belarus   $0.4847  
  913 Belarus Mobile   $0.5323  
  205 Belgium   $0.0158  
  5003 Belgium City   $0.0158  
  464 Belgium Mobile   $0.0448  
  206 Belize   $0.2977  
  914 Belize Mobile   $0.3155  
  207 Benin   $0.3575  
  915 Benin Mobile   $0.2892  
  208 Bermuda   $0.0443  
  209 Bhutan   $0.1117  
  916 Bhutan Mobile   $0.0902  
  210 Bolivia   $0.1625  
  5004 Bolivia City   $0.1625  
  495 Bolivia Mobile   $0.2111  
  211 Bosnia and Herzegovina   $0.1447  
  465 Bosnia and Herzegovina Mobile   $0.5705  
  212 Botswana   $0.0688  
  917 Botswana Mobile   $0.3078  
  213 Brazil   $0.0218  
  5005 Brazil City   $0.0218  
  431 Brazil Mobile   $0.2597  
  918 British Indian Ocean Territory   $0.2762  
  215 Brunei Darussalam   $0.0327  
  565 Brunei Darussalam Mobile   $0.0530  
  216 Bulgaria   $0.0208  
  5006 Bulgaria City   $0.0208  
  919 Bulgaria Mobile   $0.0645  
  217 Burkina Faso   $0.3265  
  920 Burkina Faso Mobile   $0.3885  
  218 Burundi   $0.5507  
  921 Burundi Mobile   $0.6257  
  219 Cambodia   $0.0717  
  5007 Cambodia City   $0.0717  
  922 Cambodia Mobile   $0.0717  
  220 Cameroon   $0.2132  
  923 Cameroon Mobile   $0.4265  
  221 Canada   $0.0030  
  924 Canada Mobile   $0.0030  
  222 Cape Verde   $0.2153  
  925 Cape Verde Mobile   $0.4617  
  223 Cayman Islands   $0.1032  
  926 Cayman Islands Mobile   $0.2350  
  224 Central African Republic   $0.3830  
  927 Central African Republic Mobile   $0.6968  
  225 Chad   $0.2143  
  928 Chad Mobile   $0.5365  
  226 Chile   $0.0320  
  5008 Chile City   $0.0320  
  432 Chile Mobile   $0.0252  
  227 China   $0.0142  
  5009 China City   $0.0142  
  433 China Mobile   $0.0142  
  228 Colombia   $0.0510  
  5010 Colombia City   $0.0510  
  466 Colombia Mobile   $0.1512  
  229 Comoros   $0.3713  
  929 Comoros Mobile   $0.4957  
  230 Congo   $0.4698  
  931 Congo Mobile   $0.5548  
  423 Congo, Democratic Republic of the   $0.4148  
  930 Congo, Democratic Republic of the Mobile   $0.4390  
  231 Cook Islands   $0.9815  
  932 Cook Islands Mobile   $0.9815  
  232 Costa Rica   $0.0153  
  467 Costa Rica Mobile   $0.0707  
  933 Cote D'Ivoire   $0.4360  
  934 Cote D'Ivoire Mobile   $0.3860  
  233 Croatia   $0.0197  
  5072 Croatia City   $0.0197  
  935 Croatia Mobile   $0.1528  
  234 Cuba   $1.1170  
  5011 Cuba City   $1.1170  
  936 Cuba Mobile   $1.1170  
  235 Cyprus   $0.0110  
  566 Cyprus Mobile   $0.0465  
  237 Czech Republic   $0.0233  
  5012 Czech Republic City   $0.0233  
  434 Czech Republic Mobile   $0.0267  
  238 Denmark   $0.0103  
  5013 Denmark City   $0.0103  
  435 Denmark Mobile   $0.0307  
  240 Djibouti   $0.4467  
  937 Djibouti Mobile   $0.4675  
  241 Dominica   $0.2190  
  938 Dominica Mobile   $0.2832  
  242 Dominican Republic   $0.1132  
  939 Dominican Republic Mobile   $0.1212  
  243 Ecuador   $0.1382  
  5014 Ecuador City   $0.1382  
  468 Ecuador Mobile   $0.3081  
  244 Egypt   $0.1220  
  5015 Egypt City   $0.1220  
  470 Egypt Mobile   $0.1235  
  245 El Salvador   $0.2480  
  469 El Salvador Mobile   $0.2228  
  246 Equatorial Guinea   $0.2723  
  940 Equatorial Guinea Mobile   $0.2723  
  247 Eritrea   $0.3487  
  5016 Eritrea City   $0.3487  
  941 Eritrea Mobile   $0.3310  
  248 Estonia   $0.0322  
  942 Estonia Mobile   $0.4133  
  249 Ethiopia   $0.3557  
  5017 Ethiopia City   $0.3557  
  943 Ethiopia Mobile   $0.3395  
  251 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)   $2.0183  
  250 Faroe Islands   $0.0723  
  944 Faroe Islands Mobile   $0.2875  
  252 Fiji   $0.2907  
  494 Fiji Mobile   $0.2907  
  253 Finland   $0.0669  
  5018 Finland City   $0.0669  
  436 Finland Mobile   $0.0580  
  254 France   $0.0067  
  5019 France City   $0.0067  
  437 France Mobile   $0.0500  
  255 French Guiana   $0.0175  
  945 French Guiana Mobile   $0.4535  
  256 French Polynesia   $0.3637  
  257 Gabon   $0.6350  
  946 Gabon Mobile   $0.6795  
  258 Gambia   $0.6573  
  947 Gambia Mobile   $0.6497  
  259 Georgia   $0.1117  
  948 Georgia Mobile   $0.1295  
  260 Germany   $0.0112  
  5020 Germany City   $0.0112  
  438 Germany Mobile   $0.0430  
  261 Ghana   $0.2860  
  5021 Ghana City   $0.2860  
  471 Ghana Mobile   $0.3207  
  262 Gibraltar   $0.0368  
  949 Gibraltar Mobile   $0.2560  
  950 Global Mobile Satellite System   $5.3580  
  263 Greece   $0.0130  
  5022 Greece City   $0.0130  
  472 Greece Mobile   $0.0317  
  264 Greenland   $0.2848  
  473 Greenland Mobile   $0.6872  
  265 Grenada   $0.1735  
  951 Grenada Mobile   $0.3152  
  952 Group of Countries   $1.0000  
  266 Guadeloupe   $0.0083  
  953 Guadeloupe Mobile   $0.0530  
  267 Guam   $0.0261  
  269 Guatemala   $0.1750  
  474 Guatemala Mobile   $0.1781  
  954 Guernsey   $0.0800  
  270 Guinea   $0.6888  
  955 Guinea Mobile   $0.5742  
  271 Guinea-Bissau   $0.5020  
  272 Guyana   $0.2628  
  956 Guyana Mobile   $0.3457  
  273 Haiti   $0.3509  
  957 Haiti Mobile   $0.4001  
  416 Holy See (Vatican City State)   $0.0102  
  274 Honduras   $0.1432  
  958 Honduras Mobile   $0.2087  
  275 Hong Kong   $0.0147  
  439 Hong Kong Mobile   $0.0367  
  276 Hungary   $0.0075  
  5023 Hungary City   $0.0075  
  496 Hungary Mobile   $0.0612  
  277 Iceland   $0.0198  
  475 Iceland Mobile   $0.0543  
  278 India   $0.0375  
  5024 India City   $0.0375  
  440 India Mobile   $0.0375  
  279 Indonesia   $0.0843  
  5025 Indonesia City   $0.0843  
  515 Indonesia Mobile   $0.0743  
  959 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East   $8.0000  
  960 Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West   $8.0000  
  961 Inmarsat Indian Ocean   $8.0000  
  962 Inmarsat Pacific Ocean   $8.0000  
  963 Inmarsat Single Number Access   $8.0000  
  964 International Freephone Service   $0.0000  
  965 International Networks   $2.2890  
  968 International Shared Cost Service   $8.0000  
  295 Iran   $0.0628  
  5026 Iran City   $0.0628  
  969 Iran Mobile   $0.0935  
  296 Iraq   $0.3343  
  5027 Iraq City   $0.1557  
  297 Ireland   $0.0088  
  5028 Ireland City   $0.0088  
  441 Ireland Mobile   $0.0710  
  970 Isle of Man   $0.0030  
  1048 Isle of Man Mobile   $0.0800  
  489 Israel   $0.0118  
  5029 Israel City   $0.2122  
  442 Israel Mobile   $0.2610  
  298 Italy   $0.0092  
  5030 Italy City   $0.0092  
  443 Italy Mobile   $0.1738  
  300 Jamaica   $0.1217  
  971 Jamaica Mobile   $0.3558  
  301 Japan   $0.0360  
  5031 Japan City   $0.0360  
  444 Japan Mobile   $0.1000  
  972 Jersey   $0.0030  
  973 Jersey Mobile   $0.0800  
  302 Jordan   $0.1023  
  5032 Jordan City   $0.1023  
  445 Jordan Mobile   $0.1517  
  303 Kazakhstan   $0.0203  
  974 Kazakhstan Mobile   $0.2320  
  304 Kenya   $0.1577  
  5033 Kenya City   $0.1577  
  975 Kenya Mobile   $0.1900  
  305 Kiribati   $1.2990  
  976 Kiribati Mobile   $1.2990  
  306 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of   $0.6505  
  307 Korea, Republic of   $0.0102  
  5058 Korea, Republic of City   $0.0102  
  446 Korea, Republic of Mobile   $0.0288  
  308 Kuwait   $0.0500  
  497 Kuwait Mobile   $0.0715  
  309 Kyrgyz Republic   $0.1758  
  977 Kyrgyz Republic Mobile   $0.2870  
  310 Lao People's Democratic Republic   $0.0610  
  978 Lao People's Democratic Republic Mobile   $0.0633  
  311 Latvia   $0.0245  
  979 Latvia Mobile   $0.0562  
  312 Lebanon   $0.1227  
  5034 Lebanon City   $0.1227  
  476 Lebanon Mobile   $0.2300  
  313 Lesotho   $0.2265  
  980 Lesotho Mobile   $0.1963  
  314 Liberia   $0.4494  
  477 Liberia Mobile   $0.6163  
  315 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya   $0.2907  
  981 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Mobile   $0.4653  
  316 Liechtenstein   $0.0965  
  498 Liechtenstein Mobile   $1.0319  
  317 Lithuania   $0.0207  
  503 Lithuania Mobile   $0.0348  
  318 Luxembourg   $0.0145  
  478 Luxembourg Mobile   $0.0428  
  319 Macau   $0.0737  
  982 Macau Mobile   $0.0730  
  320 Macedonia   $0.2753  
  983 Macedonia Mobile   $0.4947  
  321 Madagascar   $0.6335  
  984 Madagascar Mobile   $0.8885  
  322 Malawi   $0.2078  
  985 Malawi Mobile   $0.5365  
  323 Malaysia   $0.0150  
  5035 Malaysia City   $0.0150  
  447 Malaysia Mobile   $0.0238  
  324 Maldives   $1.1747  
  986 Maldives Mobile   $1.2507  
  325 Mali   $0.3130  
  987 Mali Mobile   $0.3959  
  326 Malta   $0.0177  
  988 Malta Mobile   $0.0512  
  328 Marshall Islands   $0.3307  
  329 Martinique   $0.0258  
  989 Martinique Mobile   $0.0480  
  330 Mauritania   $0.5417  
  990 Mauritania Mobile   $0.6165  
  331 Mauritius   $0.1118  
  991 Mauritius Mobile   $0.0970  
  520 Mayotte   $0.1417  
  992 Mayotte Mobile   $0.1417  
  332 Mexico   $0.0062  
  5036 Mexico City   $0.0062  
  993 Mexico Mobile   $0.0500  
  333 Micronesia   $0.2768  
  994 Micronesia Mobile   $0.2768  
  1580 Misc Services   $4.2500  
  1581 Misc Services UN Humanitarian   $0.0250  
  334 Moldova   $0.2643  
  995 Moldova Mobile   $0.3183  
  335 Monaco   $0.0943  
  479 Monaco Mobile   $0.4626  
  336 Mongolia   $0.0477  
  996 Mongolia Mobile   $0.0477  
  1508 Montenegro   $0.1604  
  1510 Montenegro City   $0.1604  
  1509 Montenegro Mobile   $0.4532  
  337 Montserrat   $0.3383  
  997 Montserrat Mobile   $0.2694  
  338 Morocco   $0.0248  
  5037 Morocco City   $0.0248  
  998 Morocco Mobile   $0.4486  
  339 Mozambique   $0.0768  
  5038 Mozambique City   $0.0768  
  999 Mozambique Mobile   $0.3047  
  340 Myanmar   $0.2298  
  1000 Myanmar Mobile   $0.2298  
  341 Namibia   $0.0698  
  1001 Namibia Mobile   $0.1570  
  342 Nauru   $1.2138  
  1002 Nauru Mobile   $1.2138  
  343 Nepal   $0.1628  
  5039 Nepal City   $0.1628  
  1003 Nepal Mobile   $0.1628  
  344 Netherlands   $0.0095  
  345 Netherlands Antilles   $0.1476  
  1004 Netherlands Antilles Mobile   $0.1672  
  5040 Netherlands City   $0.0095  
  448 Netherlands Mobile   $0.0623  
  346 New Caledonia   $0.2268  
  1005 New Caledonia Mobile   $0.2270  
  347 New Zealand   $0.0167  
  5041 New Zealand City   $0.0167  
  449 New Zealand Mobile   $0.0578  
  348 Nicaragua   $0.1717  
  480 Nicaragua Mobile   $0.3107  
  349 Niger   $0.5320  
  1006 Niger Mobile   $0.4767  
  350 Nigeria   $0.0718  
  5042 Nigeria City   $0.0718  
  1007 Nigeria Mobile   $0.0643  
  351 Niue   $1.4847  
  352 Norfolk Island   $1.2927  
  1008 Norfolk Island Mobile   $1.2927  
  327 Northern Mariana Islands   $0.0468  
  353 Norway   $0.0135  
  5043 Norway City   $0.0135  
  450 Norway Mobile   $0.0598  
  354 Oman   $0.1541  
  1009 Oman Mobile   $0.3740  
  355 Pakistan   $0.1433  
  5044 Pakistan City   $0.1433  
  481 Pakistan Mobile   $0.1433  
  356 Palau   $0.2990  
  521 Palestinian Territory, Occupied   $0.2153  
  1010 Palestinian Territory, Occupied Mobile   $0.2483  
  357 Panama   $0.0482  
  5045 Panama City   $0.0482  
  499 Panama Mobile   $0.1798  
  358 Papua New Guinea   $0.5703  
  1011 Papua New Guinea Mobile   $0.8334  
  359 Paraguay   $0.0468  
  5046 Paraguay City   $0.0468  
  1012 Paraguay Mobile   $0.1028  
  360 Peru   $0.0175  
  5047 Peru City   $0.0175  
  482 Peru Mobile   $0.1348  
  361 Philippines   $0.1662  
  5048 Philippines City   $0.1662  
  451 Philippines Mobile   $0.2037  
  362 Poland   $0.0137  
  5049 Poland City   $0.0137  
  500 Poland Mobile   $0.0300  
  363 Portugal   $0.0075  
  5050 Portugal City   $0.0075  
  452 Portugal Mobile   $0.0310  
  364 Puerto Rico   $0.0088  
  366 Qatar   $0.2022  
  1013 Qatar Mobile   $0.2594  
  367 Reunion   $0.0242  
  1014 Reunion Mobile   $0.0743  
  368 Romania   $0.0155  
  5051 Romania City   $0.0155  
  483 Romania Mobile   $0.0707  
  369 Russian Federation   $0.0312  
  5052 Russian Federation City   $0.0312  
  453 Russian Federation Mobile   $0.2410  
  370 Rwanda   $0.4237  
  1015 Rwanda Mobile   $0.4168  
  387 Saint Helena   $1.9943  
  490 Saint Kitts and Nevis   $0.4010  
  388 Saint Lucia   $0.1718  
  1016 Saint Lucia Mobile   $0.3318  
  491 Saint Pierre and Miquelon   $0.4003  
  389 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines   $0.1883  
  1017 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Mobile   $0.3053  
  372 Samoa   $0.7617  
  1018 Samoa Mobile   $0.7963  
  373 San Marino   $0.0382  
  6003 San Marino Mobile   $0.3095  
  374 Sao Tome and Principe   $0.3055  
  1019 Sao Tome and Principe Mobile   $0.3055  
  375 Saudi Arabia   $0.1138  
  5053 Saudi Arabia City   $0.1138  
  484 Saudi Arabia Mobile   $0.1547  
  376 Senegal   $0.2303  
  5054 Senegal City   $0.2303  
  1020 Senegal Mobile   $0.8187  
  422 Serbia   $0.1604  
  5055 Serbia City   $0.1604  
  1021 Serbia Mobile   $0.4532  
  377 Seychelles   $0.6218  
  1022 Seychelles Mobile   $0.6803  
  378 Sierra Leone   $0.5550  
  1023 Sierra Leone Mobile   $0.5801  
  379 Singapore   $0.0278  
  454 Singapore Mobile   $0.0120  
  380 Slovakia   $0.0093  
  1024 Slovakia Mobile   $0.1928  
  381 Slovenia   $0.0658  
  1025 Slovenia Mobile   $0.5553  
  382 Solomon Islands   $1.0798  
  1026 Solomon Islands Mobile   $1.2217  
  383 Somalia   $0.9220  
  5056 Somalia City   $0.9220  
  6004 Somalia Mobile   $0.7766  
  384 South Africa   $0.0283  
  5057 South Africa City   $0.0283  
  455 South Africa Mobile   $0.0950  
  385 Spain   $0.0111  
  5059 Spain City   $0.0111  
  456 Spain Mobile   $0.0285  
  386 Sri Lanka   $0.1600  
  5060 Sri Lanka City   $0.1600  
  501 Sri Lanka Mobile   $0.1667  
  390 Sudan   $0.4195  
  1027 Sudan Mobile   $0.2181  
  391 Suriname   $0.2890  
  1028 Suriname Mobile   $0.4462  
  392 Swaziland   $0.0433  
  1029 Swaziland Mobile   $0.1853  
  393 Sweden   $0.0035  
  5061 Sweden City   $0.0035  
  457 Sweden Mobile   $0.0320  
  394 Switzerland   $0.0138  
  5062 Switzerland City   $0.0138  
  458 Switzerland Mobile   $0.1845  
  395 Syria   $0.1365  
  1030 Syria Mobile   $0.1997  
  396 Taiwan   $0.0157  
  5063 Taiwan City   $0.0157  
  459 Taiwan Mobile   $0.1330  
  397 Tajikistan   $0.1755  
  1031 Tajikistan Mobile   $0.1777  
  398 Tanzania   $0.3928  
  5064 Tanzania City   $0.3928  
  1032 Tanzania Mobile   $0.4943  
  399 Thailand   $0.0269  
  5065 Thailand City   $0.0269  
  460 Thailand Mobile   $0.0284  
  519 Timor-Leste   $0.7907  
  1033 Timor-Leste Mobile   $0.7907  
  400 Togo   $0.4748  
  1034 Togo Mobile   $0.5643  
  401 Tokelau   $2.1507  
  402 Tonga   $0.4623  
  1035 Tonga Mobile   $0.8043  
  428 Trinidad and Tobago   $0.0865  
  1036 Trinidad and Tobago Mobile   $0.2680  
  403 Tunisia   $0.3413  
  1037 Tunisia Mobile   $0.5576  
  404 Turkey   $0.0508  
  5066 Turkey City   $0.0508  
  461 Turkey Mobile   $0.1792  
  405 Turkmenistan   $0.1437  
  1038 Turkmenistan Mobile   $0.1515  
  492 Turks and Caicos Islands   $0.1435  
  1039 Turks and Caicos Islands Mobile   $0.2712  
  406 Tuvalu   $1.2717  
  407 Uganda   $0.2285  
  1040 Uganda Mobile   $0.4520  
  408 Ukraine   $0.1705  
  5068 Ukraine City   $0.1705  
  502 Ukraine Mobile   $0.3608  
  409 United Arab Emirates   $0.2503  
  5073 United Arab Emirates City   $0.2503  
  1041 United Arab Emirates Mobile   $0.2085  
  410 United Kingdom   $0.0030  
  5067 United Kingdom City   $0.0030  
  462 United Kingdom Mobile   $0.0800  
  413 United States   $0.0192  
  1042 Universal Personal Telecommunication Service   $1.0000  
  411 Uruguay   $0.0780  
  5069 Uruguay City   $0.0780  
  485 Uruguay Mobile   $0.2705  
  414 Uzbekistan   $0.0465  
  1043 Uzbekistan Mobile   $0.0490  
  415 Vanuatu   $0.5328  
  1044 Vanuatu Mobile   $0.7598  
  417 Venezuela   $0.0057  
  5070 Venezuela City   $0.0057  
  487 Venezuela Mobile   $0.0288  
  418 Viet Nam   $0.1068  
  5071 Viet Nam City   $0.1068  
  488 Viet Nam Mobile   $0.1108  
  214 Virgin Islands, British   $0.3650  
  412 Virgin Islands, U.S.   $0.0207  
  419 Wallis and Futuna Islands   $0.4844  
  420 Yemen   $0.2003  
  1045 Yemen Mobile   $0.2177  
  424 Zambia   $0.0908  
  1046 Zambia Mobile   $0.1657  
  425 Zimbabwe   $0.1238  
  1047 Zimbabwe Mobile   $0.6191  

*Prices are subject to change.